I cannot log in to ZEN because SMS with code is not being delivered. What to do?
If you're not receiving the code to log in to the ZEN app, please check the following:
- Check if you're providing the correct phone number in the ZEN app.
- Verify if there are any restrictions for receiving SMS on your device - messages from unknown senders or automatic senders may be blocked.
- Turn off additional software that may be running in the background, such as VPN programs, network filtering software, etc.
- Delete older messages from the mobile phone to confirm there's enough space available.
- Check if the messages were routed to the spam folder.
- Restart the device to refresh your connection to the network operator.
- Insert the SIM card into another device to rule out a faulty device.
- Contact your phone number operator to check if they have any technical issues or if they're blocking the messages from automatic senders and SMS gateways.
Please note that you may request a new verification code after a few seconds if the previous code did not reach you - to do so, click the "Send again" button when logging in to the ZEN app. Two-step verification using the SMS code is obligatory due to security reasons.
If after checking the list above and requesting a new code to be sent, you still do not receive the SMS messages from ZEN, please contact us using below methods:
Do you need help? We are always here for you:
- in ZEN app support chat (open the link from your mobile device, estimated wait time will display when connecting to an agent). To ensure that you do not miss a response from a support agent, please make sure that the ZEN app is allowed to send push notifications on your mobile device.
- via email (we usually respond within 24 hours). When you contact us via e-mail, please send your message from the email address linked to your ZEN account.
See also: Changing your phone number, My phone has been lost or stolen