About manual transaction verifications in ZEN


How can I learn more about manual checks of transactions made via ZEN?


When making transactions via ZEN, every payment is checked by our automatic monitoring systems. It's a standard procedure that every bank and financial institution in the European Union needs to conduct.

The majority of the transactions are automatically accepted by these systems, however, some payments may need a manual check by human to make sure they are safe. If a transaction requires a manual check, we make sure it's handled as soon as possible - please make sure to check your e-mail inbox including the SPAM folder to see messages from us.

Usually, the verification process takes around 3 days after sending the requested data to us. Verifications are conducted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. During the verification, we're doing our best to ensure that:

  • None of the transactions occurring through ZEN are fraudulent, illegal, unauthorized, against anti-money laundering or terrorist financing regulations or otherwise against ZEN’s terms,
  • Source of the funds involved, or the underlying legal reasons for the transactions are clear,
  • Amount, number, or frequency of the transactions are not suspicious, taking your spending pattern as well as other circumstances into consideration.

See also: What are the legal grounds for conducting the verifications?

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