Logging in to the ZEN Web Portal for Business Clients


How can I log in to my ZEN Business account via web browser?


To log in to your ZEN Business account via web browser, go to https://my.zen.com/.

The ZEN Web Portal is available only to ZEN Business account holders. If you have a ZEN Individual account, please use the ZEN Mobile App to access your account.


Always check the site you're accessing is "MY.ZEN.COM". Our website is always using a secure HTTPS connection.

Upon opening, the website will ask for a phone number connected to your Company representative profile. After entering your phone number, provide a one-time passcode sent to it, and a PIN code to your profile.

To check the features of the ZEN Web Portal, select the article below:

Using ZEN Web Portal to manage Business account

Using ZEN Web Portal to manage Payment Gateway settings

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