Using ZEN Pro Card for subscription payments


I cannot use my ZEN Pro Card to pay for a subscription service, such as Netflix, Spotify, Apple App Store subscription. What can I do?


Some subscription services, such as video streaming platforms, music platforms, Google Play, or Apple App Store subscriptions may require you to have a payment card issued in the same country as the region you are purchasing the subscription in (for example, card issued in Poland to purchase a Polish Spotify subscription).

ZEN Pro Card is identified by these services as an international card, which causes limitations on using it for subscription services. To bypass these limitations, we recommend using the standard ZEN Card for your local subscription services or contacting the specific service's support team about the possibility of adding an international card to your billing data.

In the ZEN app, while ordering a card, you may easily choose if you prefer to order a ZEN Pro Card, or a standard ZEN Card (without the “Pro” sign in its bottom right corner). The Standard ZEN Card will be treated by subscription services as your local card, and will be available to pay for subscriptions without issues.

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