How can I cancel ZEN Buddies transfer?
ZEN Buddies transactions are processed internally and can be sent between ZEN users.
If you send a ZEN Buddies transfer to the wrong number of a person who's not using ZEN, the money should be returned to your ZEN account in up to 3 days in full amount. When a ZEN Buddies transfer is canceled, it will change its status to "Rejected" in your ZEN app history and funds will automatically return to your account balance.
If your ZEN Buddies transaction is in "Pending" status, its cancellation may be possible via the ZEN Support Team by using the links below:
Do you need help? We are always here for you:
- in ZEN app support chat (open the link from your mobile device, estimated wait time will display when connecting to an agent). To ensure that you do not miss a response from a support agent, please make sure that the ZEN app is allowed to send push notifications on your mobile device.
- via email (we usually respond within 24 hours). When you contact us via e-mail, please send your message from the email address linked to your ZEN account.
If your ZEN Buddies transaction has already been completed in the ZEN app, cancellation will not be possible. In such a case, please contact the transfer recipient to ask for a funds return.