My identity verification failed


Why did my identity verification in ZEN fail? What can I do to verify my identity?


ZEN is a financial institution, and one of our main duties is to identify our customers. This occurs not just when creating an account, but also regularly throughout the relationship. Occasionally, we may ask customers to answer some questions or provide identity documents again. Please be aware that the verification process is managed by an external service provider.

Tips for successful verification:

  • Make sure that the document you want to use for verification matches the selected document type in the verification form — choose the correct document issuing country and document name, making sure your document and country are on our list of supported documents and countries,
  • Make sure you've entered exactly the same data in the ZEN application form, as visible in your document — for example full name instead of nicknames, all names visible in the document entered in the correct app fields — especially name and surname.
  • Verify that the document isn’t damaged, invalid, or expired — if your document is broken, cracked, or has expired, it will not be accepted during the verification,
  • Fit the document into the frame so that all four corners are visible — make sure the document is placed on a flat surface to take the sharp photo easier,
  • Do not scan the document and your photos in any other way (e.g., from a computer screen or another phone),
  • Make sure the photo of the document is of good quality — the photo should not be blurry,
  • Place your face right in the indicated frame to scan it correctly,
  • Do not cover any part of the document or your face — take off possible face masks, hats, or glasses before making the photo.
  • Make sure your surroundings are bright enough — be aware that light should be in front of you (not behind) so that the face is visible, and keep your face in the white frame.

What to do if my verification failed?

If, despite following the tips available above, your verification failed, please see the articles below for more troubleshooting tips.

In case of failed verification when trying to create a new ZEN account, please see:

In case of failed verification when trying to log in to an existing ZEN account, please see:

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