If the funds on a given account are insufficient to complete the transaction, the missing part will be automatically debited from your other currency accounts, starting with the one with the biggest balance. All you have to do for the automatic conversion to work is to have funds in another currency. ZEN will check the other currency accounts starting with the largest balance, and exchange money from these accounts until there are enough funds in your transaction's currency.
Thanks to the automatic currency exchange feature in ZEN, you don't need to manually exchange money during your travels or international card payments! For example:
- Anna wants to pay for purchases in PLN with her ZEN Card. However, she does not have a sufficient amount on her PLN account. The missing funds will be converted automatically. ZEN will check which other currency on her account has the largest balance, and take the funds from those accounts one by one until there is enough money in PLN to cover the transaction.
- Charles goes shopping on eBay. He wants to pay with a ZEN Card in USD, but there are no funds in his account in this currency. ZEN will automatically convert his funds by checking his other currency accounts. Funds will be withdrawn from those accounts, starting with the one with the largest balance, until there are enough of them to cover the whole USD payment.
Additional information
Automatic currency conversion works only for payments made with ZEN Cards. Other transaction types, such as international and local transfers, or cryptocurrency transactions do not support automatic currency conversion and require manual currency exchange in the ZEN app before making them.
See also: What exchange rates are applied to my transactions?