Why is my cryptocurrency transfer from ZEN to a crypto wallet address pending? Why was my cryptocurrency transfer from ZEN to a wallet address rejected, but funds weren't returned to me yet?
If you transferred your funds from ZEN to a cryptocurrency wallet address, but did not receive the funds yet, please be informed that some of the cryptocurrency transactions may take up to 1 business day to process because of settlement periods and proceedings between payment institutions. As this is not a delay on ZEN's part, this process unfortunately cannot be sped up.
If your cryptocurrency transfer status is "Rejected", it means that funds were not deducted from your ZEN account. In such cases, the funds should automatically return to your ZEN account balance within 2 hours. You can check it by looking at your account's available balance at the top of the screen right after logging in to the ZEN app.
Do you need help? We are always here for you:
- in ZEN app support chat (open the link from your mobile device, estimated wait time will display when connecting to an agent). To ensure that you do not miss a response from a support agent, please make sure that the ZEN app is allowed to send push notifications on your mobile device.
- via email (we usually respond within 24 hours). When you contact us via e-mail, please send your message from the email address linked to your ZEN account.
See also: Checking the status of an outgoing transfer, My transfer was returned to my account