My phone is lost or stolen


What to do if my device was lost or stolen? How can I block my phone if I can't find it?


We're sorry to hear about this! Please see the recommendations based on your device's operating system:

If you were using an Android device (Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo, etc.)

You can secure your phone anytime using the Android Device Manager (external link). If you can't find your phone, or it's stolen, you can use Find My Device service to locate, lock, or remove data from it.

  1. Sign in to Android Device Manager.
  2. From the listed devices, select the device you want to locate.
  3. You may be prompted to provide the lock screen PIN for the Android device you want to locate.
  4. On the map, you get information about the device’s location.
  5. You may select other ways to find or secure your device, such as playing a sound, locking your device with a password, or erasing your device, so nobody can access your data.

If the device cannot be located, the Google Pay data can still be removed so that no one can access it. When you find your device, unlock it and add your card details again to use Google Pay.

Google Pay doesn't store your real ZEN Card details on your phone, so no one who finds or steals it will have access to your full card number, even if your phone is unlocked.

Remember that if you lose your phone or ZEN Card, contact us immediately and we will secure your account.

If you were using an iOS device (iPhone)

You can use Find My (external link) service to temporarily suspend or permanently remove Apple Pay from your device.

  1. Log in to your Apple ID account via Find My service.
  2. Select your device.
  3. When available, go to the Apple Pay section and click "Remove" or "Remove All".
  4. Your cards will be temporarily suspended or removed from Apple Pay, even if your device is offline and not connected to a cellular or Wi-Fi network.

You may also contact us and request a temporary suspension or removal of cards added to Apple Pay.

Use of physical ZEN cards after suspension/removal from Apple Pay and Google Pay:
When you suspend or remove a card from Apple Pay or Google Pay, you can still use your physical card. Blocking or removal from Apple Pay and Google Pay only causes the inability to perform transactions using your mobile device.

See also: Temporary blocking of the ZEN card, Removing ZEN Card


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