How long does it take to process my incoming or outgoing SEPA / SWIFT / Local / Digital Currency / PrivatMoney / Card to card / ZEN Buddies transfer?
- SEPA transfer usually takes around 1-3 working days to process.
ZEN does not yet support SEPA Instant transfers. They are posted in the same timeframe as standard SEPA transfers. - SWIFT transfer usually takes 1-3 working days to process, but sometimes may take longer due to intermediary institutions taking part in the process.
- Transfers via PrivatMoney take around 15 minutes to process.
- Local transfers in PLN (Elixir) usually take around 1 working day to process.
ZEN does not yet support Express Elixir transfers. They are posted in the same timeframe as standard Elixir transfers. - Local GBP (Faster Payments) transfers are usually processed within a few minutes up to 2 hours.
- Local transfers in RON (TRANSFOND) usually take around 1 working day to process.
- Transfers to cards (MasterCard Send, Visa Direct) are instant on ZEN side, but may take up to a few days to process on the recipient bank's side.
- ZEN Buddies transfers are instant.
- Digital currency transfer usually takes a few minutes to process, but sometimes may take longer, depending on the blockchain network.
Please note that some transfers may be manually verified by ZEN or the recipient's banks, which may prolong their processing time.
See also: Why was my transfer stopped?, My transfer was returned to my account, My transfer didn't reach the recipient, Checking the status of an outgoing transfer